KrAyZiE StUfF fOr YoUr EnTeRtAiNmEnT
BrOwSe ThRoUgH OuR TyTe AsS PaGe - CrEaTeD By KoKo & SoX This page is about the crazy things me and my friends go through and think up... mostly think up. Most of these things are not true.. so don't worry about us! We hope you enjoy this crazy page cuz we worked our ass off on it... hahahahahah
Naw..jus kidding...EnJoY!!!
Meet Yole and Mole. They don't know each other. They just have uncommonly similar names. Yole is a chocoholic. She was once a beautiful asian woman. She had long, stringy, red-dyed hair. She wore clothes that showed off her figure and she was the most popular person in her school. Mole is a fine-ass asian guy that is tall, handsome, and charming. He was also a very a good counselor before he got greedy but that's beside the point of this story. Mole is Yole's couselor and he makes a lot of money off of her. That's the only reason he likes her. He doesn't know it but Yole has an enormous crush on him. So one evening Yole gets an irrestible chocolate craving when she had been clean for 2 months so she calls Mole to come over. Partially because of her craving and her attraction towards him. When he got to her Mansion in the suberbs she was almost dying from not having chocolate and food since her servants hate her so much for being a mean bitch to them, so they starved her. Any way when he got there she was really craving for some rich dark chocolaty smoothness and when he entered her roomed she charged him and bit off his ear like Mike Tyson because she imagine he was a giant chocolate Easter bunny. After she finished him off she realized what she had done to her crush and sobbed for nine months.
~*~The End~*~
Useless Moral of the Story: No matter how skinny you are don't expect for it to last unless you get plastic surgery when you are in your mid thirties and lonely. So remember everyone gets fat but not me!! Mwuahahahahahahah!!!
AnOtHeR ChOcOlAtE StOrY Well, we hoped you enjoyed this little website of ours. Come back soon when we have to make you laugh!! =) You'll laugh your pants off! haha...
LoVe PeAcE HaPpInEsS 2 aLL

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